Monday, November 26, 2007


after breakfast, i spent most of my morning and early afternoon rewriting PLRs. badly-written PLRs. when you read one of them, it seems like whoever "wrote" them just strung along words, and passed them off as "articles"... there is no rhyme or reason to most of them... i finished 3 articles before i went to the grocery store. when i left, i saw neighbors from both sides clearing their yards of leaves. there were leaves all over our yard, too that's why i decided to clear them when i got back. besides, it will rain for the most part tomorrow.

i started around 4pm and stopped a little after 6. it was already quite dark that's why i decided to stop. took a quick shower before i started supper. prepared something simple and quick... i'm tired... after cleaning up, i loaded the washer, ironed some shirts while watching tv, and have just now finished folding the laundry.

i know. it was a hectic day... i squeezed a lot in a day when i had 3 days to spread them out to... that's me... super procrastinator...

i'm going to bed... g'night.