Thursday, August 16, 2007

thunder and lightning

i woke up to thunder and lightning just before 4am earlier. it was also raining hard with gusty wind, it was scary... i got up to check on my son because i heard a banging noise, which i thought was coming from his room. i realized it was our door. it was shaking and banging from the wind. so i took down the box fan sitting on our window ledge so i can close the window. apparently, there was also a power outage as our radio clock was blinking. i had to reset it before going back to bed.

the sun is trying to break out of the clouds now but i think we're going to have more stormy weather this afternoon. i like the rain and gusty wind but not the thunder and lightning.

i'll go to the library and pick up the book and dvd of 2001: A Space Odyssey, which i requested for my son. he's into this sci-fi thing again but i think just for this movie/book.

he read 1984 by George Orwell and liked it. he told me that is where 'big brother' came from. well, the only big brother that interests me right now is the one on tv. i hope the father escapes the chopping block. he and his daughter made a deal with 'AP' and his ladylove, and i think (i hope) it's a done deal. but anything can still happen in that crazy game, crazy house - especially when people behind those glass walls intervene! so much for a reality show...