Monday, October 22, 2007

manic monday...

not really... =) just trying a catchy title...

as i mentioned in my last post, i did some cancellations yesterday of trial offers i did more than a week ago. i hope i did everything right, and didn't miss anything. i don't want any of my greens go red... knock on wood (3x)... but like the past couple of days, i had to share my computer with R... but the short time i had use of my computer, i found out i went green on one site i did, which completes a trade worth $22 plus a $5-bonus. yesss! i have a total of $74 in my paypal account right now, and am waiting for another site to go green on for an additional $24 less $19 for fees... not bad since i didn't really work on these sites for more than an hour, hour and a half, tops.

i was also able to respond to another trader's offer and will work on that tomorrow. that one is worth $50, which is not bad at all even if i spend 2 hours working on it. we'll see... after this offer, i'll try to do a ref for ref trade to gain referrals for myself. hopefully by doing that, i will also gain more confidence to start paying for referrals or what they call as "jumping the fence"...

i brought R to the dentist this afternoon after school for his regular check and cleaning. they found two small cavities on his left side so i scheduled a filling for him. those cavities upset me because i'm so strict about his dental hygiene, which made him very careful and conscious about it. everytime i remember it, it still bothers me... i also got a referral for an oral surgeon to take out his wisdom teeth. the left one is bothering him specially. if you see his xray, you'll understand why. it just came out all askew... everytime he eats, he accidentally bites his inner cheek, which really bothers him, well, aside from the usual pain from a wisdom tooth... we'll go back for the filling on the 6th of november while i still have to call the oral surgeon's office tomorrow morning for an appointment.

by the way, i spent my morning prepping our dinner. there was a lot of chopping so that took most of my time. by the time R got home, which was 10 minutes before 3pm, i just about finished cooking... i wasn't able to do any ironing at all, which was included in my monday to-do list... uggghhh... i have to do some tomorrow...

and lastly, the part that sucks... the Steelers lost to the denver broncos last night. that really, really sucked... they lost by a field goal... read it in the sports section... i don't want to relive it anymore...
