Wednesday, October 31, 2007

trick or treeeaaattt...

happy halloween, people!

i bought a halloween paper pumpkin lantern to hang in the porch, and a couple of bags of candies for the tricksters. i bought only a couple of bags of candies we actually like because i'm not sure if there will be any li'l ones who will come knocking on our door since this will be our first halloween since we moved here.

fortunately, there were 3 pairs of kids who came, and they were all adorable. the first was a pair of sisters in princess outfits complete with tiaras and makeup. they were sooo cute! the second and third were both pairs of brothers in ghost, alien, spidey and pirate costumes. i wish there were more kids... but our street is a no-outlet street, and it may be one of the reasons why not a lot come here.
so now, my boys are just happy to consume the leftover candies...