Saturday, October 6, 2007


i set the alarm for 7:30am but didn't get up until after 9... and because i got up late, i didn't make crepes anymore, and instead made eggs for hubby to go with toast while i also made eggs, fried cocktail hotdogs, and fried rice for myself... =) hey! i didn't finish them all... hubby got some fried rice, and i gave the rest to my son who had breakfast around 8am.

i did make crepes for afternoon snack, but it wasn't a pleasant thing to stand in front of the stove cooking crepes at 80°plus-temp. as i planned, i used cream cheese for filling, which was a nice contrast to the maple syrup. if i decide to make them for breakfast tomorrow, i should double the recipe. the crepes were good, that's why i need to double... =)

it's going to be another warm day tomorrow. it's weird watching hockey with temps in the 80s... and speaking of hockey, the Pittsburgh Penguins won their season home opener against the defending champs, the anaheim ducks, 5-4. they lost their season opener, though in north carolina againtst the hurricanes, 4-1. they got into the playoffs last season but didn't do well. i hope that changes this season - get into the playoffs, and do very well.

i'm tired of being in front of the stove and washing the dishes so i bught mcdonald's for dinner. now, if only we can have mcd's for dinner every night...