Sunday, August 19, 2007

grey, cold, wet sunday

i woke up around 8:30, even before the alarm went off, and it was cold. turned off the alarm, went to the bathroom, and went back to bed. i wanted to watch cbs sunday morning (that's why i set the alarm to 8:35) but i was so sleepy. i went to bed a little after 5am to finish my email to Tin, my niece. so i went back to sleep, and finally got up a little past 10 so we (hubby & i) were still able to see the tailend of sunday morning.

i always like bill geist's stories. he's also very funny. in this morning's show, he featured a barber shop in south carolina where a band, composed of elderly gentlemen from the neighborhood, plays everyday in the barber shop - for free. there is also a lady who goes there every now and then to sing, and just recently, they had some musicians from the ukraine who also played. it's become a well-known gathering place not only locally. according to the barber, he also gets thank-you notes from wives of the men who hangs out in his shop, for keeping them there, sort off serving like a daycare for husbands. =)

i went to aldi's after breakfast and cleaning up. i was supposed to go yesterday but hubby went out to meet up and have dinner with his son, who is in town. they had a nice time together, which is really good. there were so many people in aldi's. it is a sunday... duh... but i still like going there.

it's almost 5pm, and as usual, i'm running out of time for tons of things i still need to do. we'll have NE clam chowder for dinner so that should not take so much time to prepare(cook). i'll also load up the washer, and try to finish the movies i rented while ironing some shirts and pants. i'm starting to sound like a broken record for mentioning these chores for a week now... ;(

gotta go.